Monday, 24 September 2012

Proposal for "LIGHT"

I got the idea from a video of lightpainting using ski's called Ambühlievable, but for my assignment I want to make light painting photography using skateboards, by attaching lights to the board and capturing the light as the skateboard moves through space. Although light painting would be rather cliche, I feel this is a more original way of showing movement using light. Since I just got the idea for this and it will take a fair bit of time organising a photo shoot, I do not have a first shoot to show just yet but will get onto it ASAP.     

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Final Stop Motion: Blu.tack

I created an approximately 2min stop-motion/claymation using only blu-tack, mirroring the life of a human. This stop-motion basically begins at the man’s birth (being created) and ends with his death, basic life story. To make this more interesting I added in a second character for the man to ‘fall in love’ with to make it more like most people around us. Throughout this story you see how the person was made and all the little things that made him, you see him grow up as he progresses through his life (scene on the skateboard), he hits barriers in his life but finds a way around it, he meets another person like him and spends the rest of his life with her and you see him fall from his risks and plunge to his death...or is it? I feel that this successfully represents time in claymation form. In saying this I think that if I were to do this project again, I would re-think the ending of the animation as you see it ends pretty quickly. Now thinking back on it, the final ‘splat‘ of the person could have turned back into the original little balls of blu-tack and returned back to their place, the ending was a bit off but overall I feel I did a great job.  

Song: Strawberry Swing - Coldplay 

Friday, 14 September 2012

Artist Precedent

My artist precedent is a stop-motion called The PEN Story, made entirely of photographs put together to show the story of a boy's life.
I was very impressed with this stop-motion as it's very well done, it shows the same idea in so many different ways and shows a very well thought out storyline. My stop-motion/claymation I'm creating is has a similar storyline to this one, as my story is the life of a person from being created to the end of his life, much like this story. This inspires the story of my stop-motion to be really thought out and to consider the what you do go through in your life. I feel this president has helped me for my stop-motion the most because of this.  

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Artist Precedent

This artist precedent comes from a claymation called Chess Clay Stop-Motion.
This is simply a game of chess in the form of a claymation, although the creator of this masterpiece has taken this simple idea and made it into a crazy 'battle to the death' with the pieces forming into crazy different shapes, horses with wings, snakes and sharks. This has encouraged me to make my own stop-motion really original and ultimately crazy and unthinkable, I want to take a simple idea i.e the time between life and death, like a game of chess and turn it completely upside down and make it wild, using only blu-tack.

Artist Precedent

My artist precedent is the music video of Coldplay's Strawberry Swing, which is a stop-motion made from chalk on the pavement.
 This particular stop-motion is very well made and is very smooth and impressive. The whole stop-motion shows the man/superhero's adventure to go save the damsel in distress. The storyline is what makes this stop-motion successful and also all the crazy concepts and ideas that appear throughout the story i.e giant squirrels attacking the hero. This has really inspired my own stop-motion I'm creating, as this inspires me to keep a good storyline going and to create as much 'out there' ideas for my stop-motion to create another amazing world you get sucked into when you watch it. Also I like the fact that you loose yourself in the world of the stop-motion as it's so well done, I hope to achieve this in my own photography.    

Artist Precedent

My artist precedent is a video from youtube called Blu-tack Animation Experiments. This video shows a few examples of things you could do when creating a blu-tack animation (or claymation). This inspired many ideas for my own stop-motion/claymation. This video gave me a good idea on how the blu-tack could move through space and what kind of weird and interesting shapes you can create using blu-tack. This precedence has only influenced aspects of my final stop-motion, not so much the concept of TIME or the overall storyline, just aesthetics.  

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

New Proposal + First shoot

In my last post I stated I would, for my assignment (Time), a stop-motion of a kind of art being created showing the process a pice of work goes through and showing time through art, I have recently changed this idea completely. My new proposal is to create a 1minute long Stop-motion of the human life, showing changes we all go through as time goes on, using blu-tack. My idea is to mould the blu tack into different shapes to express time through a person's life or from one stage of someone's life to another. I decided to use blu tack because it's easily mouldable, a unique material and has endless possibilities. I have taken a few practice shots so I can see what kind of images I will need to take for the stop motion: